Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Now raise a glass.

Would you rather stay in on a Friday night just to save a few extra dollars? Do you order from the dollar menu? (Duh, parfaits! Thanks McDonalds!) You're in the perfect spot. This is a blog for you. As a college student, money is in my hand one second and out of it the second after. I'm sure a lot of people can relate.

Just like you and many others, I have a super big problem spending more than I should (Most of the time on food, unfortunately). I tell myself all the time to not go out or try to figure out ways to hide my money from myself. I even put money in my savings account only to take some out three days later for something unnecessary or something that seems necessary at the moment. I shouldn't be alone on this though. I'm just proudly saying what others refuse to admit. One day I'll learn how to save. 

This is for the ones who don't know how to save. The ones who try desperately to figure out how to save. The ones who try to save every dollar possible but are taunted by that one piece of clothing you just have to own. The ones who feel obligated that they have to own designer clothes in order to become a fashion blogger. It's not all true. Welcome. 

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